Working for Rivers
The Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundland (SAEN) is a conservation group dedicated to the preservation of our province's salmon, trout and other freshwater resources. Since 1979 this group of volunteers has carried out conservation, research, education, and enhancement projects worth over $10 million. With regards to Atlantic Salmon, please read our Atlantic salmon - Statement of Principals.
SAEN is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors elected by the general membership at our Annual Meeting. Board members and regular members work together as a team on a variety of committees that take on special projects. We are affiliated with the Salmonid Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (SCNL), and with the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF). |
Our fish are disappearing. We're changing that.
For centuries the trout and salmon of Newfoundland and Labrador have provided us with food and sport. These fish belong to the same family - the salmonids -and today they face more perils than ever before. Many of these fish travel between our rivers and the ocean. International fisheries, by-catch mortalities, mismanagement, pollution, poaching, and natural factors have all combined to reduce the numbers of our fish that depend on fresh water during part of their life. Various human activities have emptied almost every fish from some of our salmon rivers and trout ponds. The sea-run brook trout, once found in almost every river open to the sea, has virtually disappeared from most Newfoundland watersheds. For almost 40 years the Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundland has worked to: |
EducateEducate the public about our fish, the need for conservation and the social and economic values of Atlantic salmon and trout. |
ConserveTo further conservation, protection, enhancement, and wise management of the wild Atlantic salmon and trout. |
EnhanceTo enhance the freshwater environment through projects, outreach and providing technical advice to industry and governments. |
ProtectTo protect our remaining freshwater fish species through conservation measures and education. |
SAEN believes that the conservation of Atlantic salmon and brook trout can only be secured by bringing together everyone with an interest in our freshwater systems. SAEN works locally with its volunteers, provincially through its support of Newfoundland and Labrador's Salmonid Council, and internationally through its affiliation with the Atlantic Salmon Federation.
Join to Preserve
Join SAEN and help give us all a louder voice as we speak for the salmon and its watery world.