NOTICE TO ANGLERS na.18.012 July 19, 2018 ATLANTIC SALMON MANAGEMENT DFO wishes to advise that as a result of the in-season review of salmon returns (as of July 15), the management approach for the remainder of the season for insular Newfoundland is as follows: - Tag 1 is valid until one hour after sunset July 20, 2018 - No retention of salmon will be permitted after July 20, 2018 - Catch and Release Angling only after July 20, 2018 - Rivers will close to all Angling when water temperatures exceed 18 degrees Celsius In addition, an in-season review for Labrador is scheduled July 24. An announcement on the management approach for Labrador will follow once review is completed. In the interim, Tag 1 will be valid until August 3. Catch and release limits remain at 3 fish per day for all rivers in Newfoundland and Labrador. Retention of salmon on non-scheduled waters is not permitted. Details on the regulations pertaining to bag limits, river classification, closed areas and special management areas are contained in 2018 - 2019 Angler's Guide which is available on-line at Contact: Jackie Kean Tel. (709) 772-2045 E-mail: [email protected] Date modified: 2018-07-19 |